Sunday, January 6, 2008

Christmas in Tennessee

Henry went down to Tennessee for Christmas to see Grandparents and Uncle Paul.

Grandma Les rendezvoused.

Here, three generations of Dunnemen enjoy yuletide togetherness.

Here, everyone gets ready for the traditional Christmas Eve party at the Shackletts.

Speaking of third generations, Elizabeth laid down some third-generation hostessing with country-ham biscuits.And speaking of traditions, here Uncle Paul coaches Henry on his patented iron face pose.

Henry gives thanks

In an alternate universe, we've been diligently posting to Henry's blog throughout the holidays. We have now downloaded those posting from that universe to this.

For Thanksgiving and Henry's first birthday, Grandpa Michael and Grandma Sara come up from Tennessee and Grandpa Charles and Johanna came down from Syracuse. Henry was much coddled. Sara took this photo and sent it out for Christmas.

An important first: Henry's first lamb chop. He was enthusiastic.

More holiday photos to come.