Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Uncle Greg sent these dope pajamas, complete with cape, in time for Halloween.
Henry has been pretty active lately climbing around the playground and pretending to fly faster than a speeding bullet.
Here, Henry hangs out with the very friendly proprietor of the local coffee shop, Sidamo, who may well be named Mr. Sidamo.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Henry Hates Halloween Hats

Grandma Sara sent some Halloween goodies, including this hat. Henry is not such a fan of hats, though they always look great on him. Here, he takes it off.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Apple picking time in Virginia

Last weekend, Henry went to an apple orchard in Virginia with his parents and their friends, Kevin and Signe.

He took part in the actual picking,

He also got a chance to try out his three new teeth on whole apple. He was unfamiliar with apples in non-sauce form, but adjusted quickly and enthusiastically.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Henry's new home

Henry is settling into his new home in Washington. He has been to brunch,

found the swings in the neighborhood,
visited his cousins Julie and Debra,

and taken a keen interest in his dad's new hobby of homebrewing.
We can't tell if he misses New York, but he seems to be having an excellent time in D.C.