On to Belgium! We started with an afternoon beer in Brussels's Grande Place. Very cool spot.

The next day we set out to explore. Here, Henry naps.

Brussels's mascot is the Mannekin Pis. We didn't have too much luck getting Henry to pose...

...so we resorted to a cheap trick. This place had lousy chocolate but a great photo op.

Nearby was a great beer cafe. Here Matthew contemplates a small part of the beer menu while Henry makes eyes at innocent bystanders. (Demanding smiles from strangers was his primary diversion on the trip.)

Couldn't resist one more of the "pretend Henry is drinking" genre, plus it seems the cold glass was good for teething.

Here is Auntie Bookers with her vacay boyfriend/waiter in the background.

On the way from Brussels to Bruges, we stopped in Ghent. A great place with a great castle.

Medieval baby nook.

On to Bruges. We took a canal tour.

The next day we went for a walking tour. As you can see, we all liked Bruges a lot.

Even the school children in Belgium are cool.

All good things must come to an end. Here, dad enjoys his last Belgian, an excellent Trappist Orval, while Henry enjoys his sweatshirt.

All in all, a smashing success.